Application Procedure

Here you can find out, how to apply for one of our International Programs (programs taught entirely in English, a German language course is included in each International Program) or for our GLACIP (German Language and Culture Immersion Program).

For exchange students wishing to participate in one of our International Programs or GLACIP, the application process is as follows:

Prerequisites for the International Program in Business (IPB)

If you want to participate in the International Program in Business (IPB), you should be in your 3rd, 4th or 5th semester of study and fulfill the following prerequisites:

You should have completed courses in:Language Requirements
  • General Business Studies
  • Accounting
  • Marketing
  • Economics
  • Law

Level of English: B2 (according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)

You have to be fluent in written and spoken English. Providing a current language certificate with your application is recommended, e.g. TOEFL, Tefl, Toeic, Cambridge Certificate etc.

Prerequisites for the International Program in Engineering (IPE)

If you want to participate in the International Program in Engineering (IPE), you should have completed your 4th semester of study and have knowledge of the following topics:

Profound knowlegdeBasic knowlegdeLanguage Requirements
  • Physics
  • General technical modules
  • Mathematics
  • Electricial engineering
  • Measurement engineering
  • Information technology
  • Programming (at least one programming language)

Level of English: B2 (according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)

You have to be fluent in written and spoken English. Providing a current language certificate with your application is recommended, e.g. TOEFL, Tefl, Toeic, Cambridge Certificate etc.

Prerequisites for the German Language and Culture Immersion Program (GLACIP)

If you want to participate in the German Language and Culture Immersion Program (GLACIP), you should fulfill the following prerequisites:

Language Requirements

Level of English: B2 (according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) and

Level of German: ideally A1.1 (according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)

Once you have been selected by your home university, your coordinator will nominate you (see nomination deadlines). After that, we will inform you about the application process.

Please make sure that your application is handed in before the respective deadline. You can find out more regarding the application process below.

After the deadline has passed, we will send out admission letters and detailed information about the semester.


After arrival, students have to register at the local town hall. This is applicable to students from EU-countries as well as for students from non-EU-countries. We will brief you on this during the Orientation Days and the International Office or the tutors will accompany you to the respective office in the town hall.

Visa / Residence Permit:

For students from non-EU-countries, additional to registration, visa and residence permits might be mandatory.

Once you have successfully applied to one of our International Programs or GLACIP, we will send you more information.