Prof. Dr. Carmen Winter
Ansprechpartnerin New Study Informatik für Stuttgart
Professorin für Informatik

General contact


The dual study program at DHBW is divided into two areas: the university primarily teaches the theoretical and scientific knowledge, while the dual partner is responsible for teaching the practical content. During the three years of study, you will change every 12 weeks from your online learning space to your dual partner and vice versa.

You thus combine scientific studies with professional practice.

The introductory event as well as the laboratory work and the examinations take place at the locations Mosbach or Stuttgart. In justified exceptional cases, online participation is also possible. Together we will find a solution.

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) with 210 ECTS points.

The program begins every year on 1st October. It lasts a total of three years. During this time, theory and practice alternate approximately every 12 weeks. The block plans show the exact study dates.

In addition to grades, there are also credit points in the degree program. The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) is a uniform credit point system that guarantees a European standard and facilitates the mutual acknowledgement of academic achievements. The credit points are based on the actual amount of work students do in lectures, seminars, internships and private study. In total, 210 ECTS points are obtained in this intensive program. Traditional universities award only 180 ECTS points for a Bachelor's degree in comparison.

The application for a dual study program at DHBW always takes place directly with one of the dual partners. Please check the list of free places.

Inform yourself whether this is the right degree program for you and whether you meet the necessary requirements (see below)

  1. Get advice and find out more on our websites or directly from your contact persons (see above)
  2. Discover free study places 
  3. Find your dual partner
  4. Write an application
  5. Introduce yourself personally to the company
  6. Sign your employment contract
  7. Register at DHBW

A good command of English is mandatory since this is the course language for all courses in the program. Knowledge of German is not required.

As a minimum requirement, you need a stable internet connection and a laptop with a camera and microphone. Depending on your learning space, a headset can be helpful to avoid background noises and distractions. We do not have any further requirements regarding your technical equipment.

Studying online requires a great amount of self-discipline. We help you to learn techniques to master and avoid distractions, but still it depends on your own personality whether online studies is the right choice for you. There is no test to give you a definite answer, but ask yourself

  • How important is it for you to have fellow students around you (physically not virtually)?
  • Are you generally a highly motivated person? Is it easy for you to motivate yourself? Are you easily frustrated when thing do not work out the way you planned the first time?
  • Do you find it difficult to stand up for your rights?
  • Is attendance for exams a hindrance for you? Do you have reservations against group work?
  • Do you have problems to communicate with people you never met yet?
  • Are your family and friends aware that even if you are sitting at home in front of the computer, you are not ‘playing computer games’, but studying? Is it clear to everyone that you are part of the working world and well as a student?

First degree studies from the Bachelor's to the doctorate are free of charge at state universities in Baden-Wuerttemberg. Only administrative costs, student body fees and the student union fee are due at the beginning of each academic year (1.10.).

For newly enrolled international students from non-EU/EEA countries, study fees of € 1,500 per semester will be charged from the start of the 2017/18 winter semester in accordance with the Landeshochschulgebührengesetz (LHGebG); for second degree studies, € 650 per semester.

In Baden-Wuerttemberg, an administrative fee of € 140 is due for study-related administrative services at the beginning of each academic year (1.10.). In addition, there is the student body fee of € 12 and the student union fee of € 98 for each academic year.

First semester students will receive an information letter from mid-September with instructions on how to pay the administration fee, student union fee and student body fee. For subsequent semesters, emails will be sent to the DHBW account with the current payment information before the semester begins. In general, the fees are to be transferred without a written request at the beginning of their respective payment dates.

There are a number of exceptions to the payment of tuition fees. The solidarity contributions must be paid in any case. For exceptions cf. here.

Please find general information on enrollment, fees etc here

Information in English

Please find general information and support in Ukrainian here:

Information in Ukrainian