Spring 2024 in Mosbach

Impressions - IPB Campus Mosbach

The IPB24S was an another unforgettable experience! The class was made up of students from Colombia, Chile, Spain and the DHBW Mosbach. In addition our international professors from all around the world (USA, UK, Poland, Slovania, Lithuania and Germany) enriched the intercultural classroom experience. The business classes were supplemented by many exciting excursions and events like a go-kart race, a 3-day trip to Cologne, a visit of the Audi Factory and a shared dinner where everyone could introduce the food of their culture.




„The IPB programme has been one of the most enriching experiences I have had. The subjects of the classes are all of great interest and useful for my future career and the experience with other students of my age, both German and international, has made my experience in Mosbach unique.“
- Alberto Gómez from Spain

„I think the IPB was a great success. We had many fun experiences together like the trip to cologne or all the evenings we ate and played games together. I think we all got closer to one another and learned about each others culture and even polished our Spanish a little!
The IPB made making new friends easy and was an experience I would recommend to everybody.“
- Sara Link, DHBW student

„IPB was an incredible experience, from which I took away many learnings and beautiful memories. It allowed me to meet incredible people and also more of myself. It was a huge personal challenge that allowed me to strengthen my English skills, my business knowledge and also know a bit of German. It was undoubtedly an experience that I will carry in my memory and heart forever.“
- Valentina Ubilla from Chile

“The IPB is a great opportunity to make new friends from different cultures, improve your English skills and make lots of unforgettable memories. In reflecting on my time in the IPB, I am filled with gratitude for the opportunities it has afforded me. The knowledge gained, friendships forged, and skills acquired will undoubtedly have a lasting impact on my personal and academic journey. I am confident that the experiences and lessons learned during this program will serve me well in my future.”
- Elinor Stolz

Why IPB is the "best semester ever“?

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Spring 2023 in Bad Mergentheim

Impressions - IPB Spring Campus Bad Mergentheim

It’s a go! We are excited to offer our IPB in Bad Mergentheim this spring again.
IPB 2023 in Bad Mergentheim will be definitely an amazing time. We are a class of 17 Incomings from Finland, Singapore, USA and 10 DHBW students. Our international lecturers will provide great classes in person, for example as "Leadership, Ethics and Sustainability".  In addition, our excursions will be an unforgetable experience for our students. 

Feedback from former IPB students in Bad Mergentheim:

Garret, IPB 2022 University of North Florida:

"The Students
What I enjoyed the most about my studies at Bad Mergentheim was the friendliness of the students at the university. Not only were the students at the university incredibly welcoming to the international students of the International Program in Business, but they also regularly extended invites to every international student to activities outside the university. This consistent kindness and welcoming atmosphere made the entire time of my studies here at the university a lot more enjoyable and exciting as I never knew what was awaiting me each day.

Looking back
After spending the past several months here in Bad Mergentheim, I can’t help but reflect on all the enjoyable experiences I had here. From the school-scheduled trips, like the local wine hike and the Tauber river tour to the trips that I took with my fellow students like my trip to the Black Forest, I have had plenty of adventures I never would have had if I hadn’t come to the DHBW. Every day I spent here has allowed me to grow as an individual and given me numerous stories to take back to my home university. More than anything, however, I am grateful for the opportunities that have presented themselves to me while on this trip and know without a shadow of a doubt that I will not be leaving this country the same person when I first arrived."

Impressions IPB 2023 Bad Mergentheim