Please contact the International Program office via e-mail: if you have any questions.


One semester program in English

International Program in Engineering (IPE) is a one semester program taught completely in English by international lecturers. 

The 12 week program offers students from around the world the chance to learn cutting edge engineering subjects, experience the best of German industry and participate in a range of exciting excursions.

Entry requirement for students is a ‘near-bachelor’ level (at least 4 semesters, undergraduate) in an engineering study course, so that basic knowledge in mathematics, physics, information management/programming (at least one programming language) and general technical modules is covered. The program also focuses not only on academic knowledge but also on cross-discipline teamwork and is open and accessible to students from a variety of engineering disciplines including Mechatronics, Applied Information Technology, Electrical Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Mechanical Engineering.


Students need to have the ambition to obtain and develop cross-disciplinary skills and competencies. The language of instruction is English, including all documentation, lectures and lab modules (Recommended: English B1 or better).

The program brings together:

  • Students from International DHBW Partner Universities
  • Students of DHBW Mosbach, School of Engineering

More Information for International students

More information for DHBW students