A3S (Autum-Summer-School Sustainability) is a bilateral curricular student exchange programme of DHBW Mosbach, Campus Bad Mergentheim and the German-Jordanian University (GJU), Amman, Jordan with a focus on sustainability aspects.
The BWS plus project ”Autumn-Summer-School Sustainability - A3S“ is carried out by the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung as part of the Baden-Württemberg-STIPENDIUM programme for university students. The project runs from 2023 until 2026 and is financed with an amount of 50.000 €.

A3S is...
- is a two-week student exchange programme of German Jordanian University, Amman, Jordan and DHBW Mosbach – Campus Bad Mergentheim, Germany
- includes a one week period in Jordan (November) and a one week period in Germany (April) organized by participating students and university staff
- addresses third year students in order to provide an international experience in their last year of studies
- offers an insight into sustainability aspects in various fields of social, ecologic and economic life (commerce and industry, agriculture, tourism, administration, etc.)
- provides an intensive intercultural experience containing an online intercultural training session
- includes an insipirng programme with university life, facorty tours, cultural experiences, sightseeing, and much more
- is financed by the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung with an allowance covering travel and accomodation costs for each participating student (for travel period) for max. 8 students from each university
Travel Periods 2023/2024
Due to the political incident in neighbouring countries of Jordan, the travel period of DHBW students has been shifted:
DHBW students travel to GJU in wk16/24
How to apply?
!!! Next application period: Summer 2024 !!!
DHBW Mosbach students
⇒ via the DHBW A3S-moodle-course
GJU students
⇒ GJU will supply interested students with an application form
If you failed to receive an application form from your University, send an email to
A3S@mosbach.dhbw.de and individually ask for it
Project Management (DHBW Mosbach - Campus Bad Mergentheim)
Volker Siegismund (Prof. Dr.-Ing. )
Project Management (German-Jordanian University)
Dr. Mohammad AbuShams (Assistant Professor, Head of Industrial Engineering Department)
Dr. Maysa Ammouri (Assistant Professor, Exchange Coordinator)
Project Administration (DHBW Mosbach)